Our Host – The Royal Yacht Squadron
Founded in 1815, the Royal Yacht Squadron (RYS) is the most prestigious yacht club in the United Kingdom and arguably the world. Its clubhouse is located in Cowes
Castle on the Isle of Wight. The club’s patron is Queen Elizabeth II.
The history of the RYS is without equal – in 1826, individual races between members’ yachts led to the start of racing for gold cups. George IV began the annual tradition of the reigning monarch presenting a cup; the King’s or Queen’s Cup was the most prestigious race in the Squadron Regatta. The 1830’s saw the first ocean race, the 1840’s the first American member and 1851 a race Round the Island for a 100 Guinea Cup. This race was won by the yacht “America” after crossing the Atlantic to challenge the best British yachts. The 100 Guinea Cup was renamed the America’s Cup, and the beginning of the biggest prize in sailing was born.
Today the view of the castle, with its iconic red and white striped Platform roof, is known throughout the world and the club’s start line has seen the beginning and end of many of the world’s greatest yacht races. Squadron members have taken part in many of these, for an active interest in yacht racing is still a prime requirement in those invited to become members.
In 2000, the Squadron opened a fantastic new facility on the club lawn, overlooking the Solent. Designed by Sir Thomas Croft, The Pavilion provides wonderful facilities for visiting yachtsmen and a great venue for social functions. Awarding this prestigious
Championship to the RYS allows the International Etchells fleet a unique opportunity to experience the history and hospitality of this incredible venue.
Afternoon teas would also be available at the Royal Yacht Squadron each day for nonsailing partners.
The RYS is keen to ensure that all competitors have the opportunity to fully experience the unique charm and history of the Castle and to that end regatta membership of the RYS will be issued to competitors for the duration of the World Championship.
In addition, competitors will have the chance to book one or more of their evening meals at the Castle during their stay and get a chance to sample the excellent food and hospitality the club has to offer. The beautiful dining rooms are located in the heart of the Castle and provide a fantastic backdrop to any function

Bertie Bicket
Rear Commodore Sailing
“Having avtively sailed Etchells around the world from 1990 to 1997 I’m very much looking forward to welcoming old and new friends back to the Castle and Cowes in 2022, for some great racing on the solent.”