Event Calendar
The Race Office, Measurement and berthing will all be in Cowes Yacht Haven.
10th – 12th September – Pre Worlds
15th – 17th September – Measurement
18th September – Practice Race followed by Official Opening Reception at Royal Yacht Squadron
19th – 24th World Championship
24th September – Closing Supper/Prize Giving at Royal Yacht Squadron
Please Note Dress code for Royal Yacht Squadron is Jacket and Tie when dining in the Castle however sailing clothes can be worn until 19:00. As the socials for the event are being held in the pavilion, no Jacket and Tie will be required. Jeans and Flip are a definite no no!
Social Tickets – one per crew member are included in the entry fee and will be in your Regatta pack when you collect it at Registration. Any other tickets for the socials will be available for purchase from the Race Office or through yachtscoring.